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Sie interessieren sich für die neuesten Innovationen aus der Welt der Embedded-System-Technologie und haben bereits Ihr Ticket für die Teilnahme an der embedded world 2024 gebucht? Dann haben Sie in unseren Expertenrunden die Möglichkeit, noch tiefere Einblicke zu gewinnen.
Expertenrunden 2024 im Detail
Cyber Resilience Act
Dienstag, 09.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 3 / Stand 3-561, 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr
EU Cyber Resilience Act
Many of the hardware and software products present a cybersecurity risk due to their direct or indirect Internet connectivity. These products often make it into our critical infrastructure, which poses a wider risk beyond the devices themselves. The EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) aims to safeguard consumers and businesses buying such products from these security risks. When the CRA enters into force in early 2024, software and products connected to the Internet will bear the CE marking to indicate they comply with the new standards. Manufacturers will have 36 months to implement the regulations into new products. The panel will address questions such as: what is covered by the CRA; what is the impact on development of new products; what steps are required for businesses to prepare; what does it mean in terms of labour skills.
Prof. Dirk Pesch, ewC Steering Committee, University College Cork, Ireland
- Mr. George Grey, CEO Ltd
- Mr. Ulrich Eff, Manager Associations & Alliances, Diehl Metering
- Mirko Ross, CEO,
Dienstag, 09.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 5 / Stand 5-210, 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr
Now in its 22st year, it is centered around technologies and strives to be the community of communities. Panel discussions have been part of the event already for many years. However, in the previous years, we were only concentrating on technological questions, e. g. around safety & security, embedded AI, connectivity, and alike. In 2024, for the first time, we plan to organize a high-level panel with leading personalities from the embedded world. The aim is to discuss general trends, overarching challenges and looming opportunities, and thus to increase the range of the event.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora, Offenburg University and Hahn-Schickard Association, Germany / Chairman of the embedded world Conference
- Thomas Böhm Senior Vice President & General Manager Microcontroller Automotive, Infineon Technologies
- Deepali Trehan, Vice president and General Manager, Altera, an Intel Company
- Kevin Xu, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Biwin Storage Technology Co. Ltd
Embedded AI
Mittwoch, 10.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 3 / Stand 3-561, 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Artificial Intelligence Panel
In the last two years, language models such as ChatGPT have made artificial intelligence (AI) accessible and familiar to a wide audience of people. But language models are by no means everything when we talk about AI. AI is more: intelligent algorithms, image recognition systems, data analysis, complex mathematical calculations, or predictions – the list goes on and on. But what makes AI so interesting, are the fields of application in the industry. Embedded AI in particular – meaning embedded AI on semiconductors – opens new opportunities for developers and companies. However, the so-called AI Act recently passed by the EU could dampen the innovative strength of the European (embedded) industry. There are also ongoing discussions about ethics – for example in autonomous driving. All these topics need to be discussed in companies, but also at community meetings such as embedded world. This is why we are bringing together the concentrated expertise and discussing the world of AI on the second day of embedded world – join us!
Sebastian Hallensleben, Managing Director, VDE
- Viecheslav Gromov, Managing Director, AITAD GmbH, Offenburg
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Jürgen Berger, Head of Institute, KIT, Institute for Information Processing, ITIV
- Falvio Devidé, Vice President of Sales and Customer Success, Axelera AI
Embedded Vision
Mittwoch, 10.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 5 / Stand 5-210, 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr
Embedded Vision: the impact of Generative AI
Embedded vision refers to small, integrated vision systems that work directly from devices and enable them to “see and understand”. Application examples include mobile robotics (autonomous driving/navigating, object detection, collision prevention), advanced driver assistance systems, vision-related applications for cobots and on smartphones (such as facial recognition, Augmented Reality applications, improving photography), agriculture (detection of plant diseases, monitoring growth, …). The technology has a long history. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, driven by improvements in computing power, image processing algorithms and image sensors, several companies in the area of “machine vision” were founded. Their task: developing dedicated machine vision systems performing automated quality control and inspection tasks. And today? Machine vision systems guide machines, control processes, identify components, read codes and deliver valuable data for optimizing production. Machine vision has become an indispensable technology and allrounder in and beyond the arena of manufacturing: always striving for higher quality, efficiency, and safety. Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence that generates content based on known information or specifications. The computer refers to existing training data and utilizes a deep learning approach. Many companies already use generative AI to continuously improve processes and to complete automated tasks more quickly. For example, drafting mailings, re-writing texts, generating (parts of) codes (in various programming languages), analyzing existing codes, or generating artificial (deep-fake) images.
Oliver Helzle, Managing Director, hema electronics
- Olaf Munkelt, Managing Director, MVTec Software GmbH
- Martin Klenke, Director Business Development, Teledyne Imaging
- Chen Su, Technical Product Marketing Manager, NVIDIA
- Gareth Powell, Product Marketing Director, Prophesee
Global Connectivity
Donnerstag, 11.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 3A / Stand 3A-631, 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr
Designing Embedded Systems for Worldwide IoT Compatibility
Explore the critical aspects of designing embedded systems that are compatible with the Worldwide Internet of Things (IoT). We will delve into the challenges and considerations involved in creating interconnected devices that seamlessly integrate into the global IoT ecosystem, and whether global or regional connectivity is more appropriate in certain applications. Join us to gain valuable insights into best practices, standards, and strategies for designing embedded systems that empower the widespread adoption of IoT technologies across diverse industries.
Fred Yentz, CEO IoT Launch
- Rony Cohen, Co-founder and Head of Business Development, floLIVE
- Aitor Moreno, Cloud Product Manager, Ignion
- Carmen Redondo, Director, Global Marketing Antennas, Kyocera AVX
Skilled Labour Shortage
Donnerstag, 11.04.2024, Ausstellerforum Halle 3 / Stand 3-561, 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Arbeitsmarkt in der Embedded-Industrie & aktuelle Herausforderungen
Fachkräftemangel in der Elektronikindustrie – das ist definitiv kein neues Thema! Immer weniger junge Menschen interessieren sich für die Elektrotechnik! Nach den neuesten Zahlen des VDE haben sich nur 3,5 % der Bachelorstudenten für Elektrotechnik eingeschrieben. Zudem zeigen die neuesten Zahlen des ZVEI, dass in den nächsten 10 Jahren über ¼ der Beschäftigten in der deutschen Elektro- und Digitalindustrie in den Ruhestand gehen werden.
Also: Was können wir wirklich tun? Welche konkreten Maßnahmen sollten ergriffen werden? Und wie ist die aktuelle Situation in der Embedded-Industrie?
Unsere Podiumsdiskussion wird moderiert von Nadja Eder, Geschäftsführerin von SchuhEder Consulting, der Personalberatung der Elektroindustrie. In der Diskussion mit Vertretern aus Politik, Industrie und Bildungseinrichtungen werden wir uns darauf konzentrieren, konstruktive Lösungen zu finden, um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen. Anstatt sich (wieder und wieder ...) auf den aktuellen Arbeitsmarkt in unserer Branche zu konzentrieren und das Problem des Fachkräftemangels in den Vordergrund zu stellen, wollen wir Wege aufzeigen, wie Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen und Behörden gemeinsam die Situation verbessern können.
Wir werden uns mit den folgenden und weiteren Fragen beschäftigen: Wie ist die aktuelle Situation? Welches sind die größten Herausforderungen? Woran muss mit höchster Priorität gearbeitet werden?
Nadja Eder, CEO of SchuhEder Consulting GmbH
- Sandra Maile, CEO Fortec AG
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fromm, embedded world Conference Steering Board, Hochschule Darmstadt
- Chris Schwarze, Personalvorstand swissbit
- Leopold von Schlenk-Barnsdorf, UnternehmerTUM I Co-Founder FamilienUnternehmerTUM
Henrike Sievers
Ansprechpartnerin Organisation & Ausstellerbetreuung
Halle 3A
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