CHERI Alliance is a community interest organization promoting the global adoption of the Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) security technology across the computing industry. Building on over a decade of pioneering research by the University of Cambridge and SRI International, CHERI introduces a proven architecture designed to enhance system security through fine-grained memory protection and software compartmentalization. The Alliance is actively engaging with industry, academia, and the public sector to standardize and implement CHERI across a diverse range of computing platforms. Founding members include Capabilities Limited, Chevin Technology, Codasip, Critical Technologies, CyNam, DSTL, the FreeBSD Foundation, Google, LMT, lowRISC, National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), OpenHW Group, Parvat Infotech, SCI Semiconductor, SRI, Swansea University, TCCoE, TechWorks, the University of Cambridge, the University of Birmingham, and the University of Glasgow.